Speaker Series

Note: Although both the Speaker Series and Summer Institutes have concluded, we are excited to bring you new programming and events that will continue to drive the mission of our center. Visit our event page and subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates.

For over 15 years, the Center on Race and Social Problems provided monthly in-person and virtual lectures on topics of Race and Social Problems from outstanding scholars in the field of social science and other disciplines.

Additionally, our Summer Institutes have been offered each summer for continuing education credits for social science, education, medical, criminal justice and law enforcement professionals. Some of the headline lectures for these institutes are available in our archive.

With a focus on, but not limited to, the Pittsburgh region, the Center on Race and Social Problems serves the informational needs of the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. It provides the community with both data and technical assistance, conducts special studies on current issues, and disseminates research findings. Interested citizens can also use the Center’s seminars, lectures, and conferences to gather information or engage in dialogue on race-related issues. The center also uses its website, newsletters, papers, books, and workshops to disseminate current knowledge.

Upcoming Events
Past Events

We have archived lecture videos.

Summer Institutes

Each year the Center on Race and Social Problems hosts continuing education Summer Institutes on topics related to race and social problems. These continuing education seminars provide a forum for academic, community, and practice members to network and learn. Since 2006, we have hosted 29 institutes.