The Center on Race and Social Problems has hosted continuing education Summer Institutes on topics related to race and social problems. These continuing education seminars provided a forum for academic, community, and practice members to network and learn.
Since 2006, we have hosted 29 institutes.
Past Institute Topics
2020 (Virtual)
Race & COVID-19 Series
#CRSPCast Summer Lecture Series
Voting Justice Event
June 26th, 2019 Race and Hate Crime - And What We Can Do About It
July 16th, 2019 Race and Health Across the Lifespan
June 6th, 2018 Race, Child Welfare, and the Opioid Crisis
July 11th, 2018 Race, Unemployment, and Poverty in Pittsburgh
July 25th, 2018 Police and Community
June 7th, 2017 Race and Child Welfare: National & Local Perspective on Residential Segregation Issues, Including Housing, Health, the Law and Education
June 9th, 2016 Race and Child Welfare: National & Local Perspectives in Racial Disproportionality
June 29th, 2016 Procedural Justice for the Police and Community
July 12th, 2016 Diversity and Racial Justice in the 21st Century University
July 29th, 2015 Racial Justice in School Discipline: Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline at Multiple Levels
July 10th, 2013 A Call to Conscience: Effective Policies and Practices in Educating African American Males
June 28th, June 29th, July 18th, July 26th, 2012 Racial Health Disparities
June 2nd, 2011 Black Male Gun Violence
June 6th, 2011 Black Male Employment
June 27th, 2011 Black Male Health/Mental Health
July 7th, 2011 Black Male Education
May 21st, 2009 Aging Out of the Child Welfare System: Experiences, Outcomes, and Interventions for Children of Color
July 21st, 2009 Race, Hunger, and Food Insecurity
August 5th, 2009 Racial Diversity Management in Corporate America
July 9th, 2008 Race and Prisoner Reintegration
July 11th, 2008 African American Children's Mental Health
July 24th, 2008 Race and Youth Violence
June 12th, 2007 Attracting, Retaining, and Advancing Law Students of Color in Pittsburgh
July 27th, 2007 Race and Mental Health
June 14th, 2006 Race and Child Welfare
June 29th, 2006 Race, Crime, and Communities