Dive into the Racial Equity Consciousness Institute's Virtual Reflection Gallery – a unique space we've created for you to connect with the stories and perspectives of civil rights leaders and activists. This gallery, born as an extension of the RECI modules, is all about sparking deep reflection and inspiring action in our community. As you explore the artwork, reflect and record what resonates with you (you can journal, take notes in your phone etc!)
As you navigate the gallery below, consider leveraging the resources linked below to support building your consciousness toward racial equity:
We also encourage you to take photos of the reflection gallery and share on social media! You can tag us on Instagram @PITTCRSP and use our event hashtag: #TheRECIMovie
Morgan Overton is a visual artist currently based in, and originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her work is rooted in reclaiming narratives by illustrating the humanity that exists at the intersection of race and gender. Morgan believes the arts serve as a powerful platform to challenge the viewer to think, and therefore act differently. She vibrantly creates in various mediums as an ode to the Nina Simone quote - "It is the artist's duty to reflect the times." Morgan strives to create works of art that will not only honor the past and present, but also live on timelessly.